Category: Software development

  • Top 10 lean manufacturing companies

    As part of our system, we’ve found that the best creative ideas are uncovered when you bring people together and work collaboratively. And that’s part of the secret to how we’ve been able to achieve our ongoing successes in product development. If you are a project manager or developer interested in implementing Lean development principles,…

  • Net Core Vs Internet Framework: Key Variations, Features, And More

    In contrast, the ASP.NET Core purposes may be developed and run on totally different platforms such as Windows, Mac, or Linux operating methods. We can host the earlier ASP.NET Framework 4.x applications solely on IIS, whereas we are in a position to host the ASP.NET Core purposes on IIS, Nginx, Docker, Apache, or even self-host…

  • Best Practices for Cloud Application Security Testing

    Lastly, managing security testing across multiple cloud services and platforms is a daunting task. Each cloud service and platform has its own set of features, APIs, and security controls. Understanding these differences and effectively managing security testing across these disparate services and platforms requires a deep technical understanding and expertise. It delineates the responsibilities of…

  • What’s Redis? Redis Benefits And Use Instances

    Redisson stacks up favorably in comparisons with different third-party Redis Java clients, similar to Jedis and Lettuce. In explicit, Redisson PRO is considerably quicker than Jedis when working frequent Redis commands similar to HSET, RPUSH, SADD, SET, and INCR. Developers in search of a strong, feature-rich database ought to look no additional than Redis. According…